If you are looking to get fit and stay healthier in 2021 you have come to the right spot! I am done with the latest fad diets and “weight loss” trends. I have tried them all in my 46 years. Sadly there is not a quick fix! But I have found simple and attainable ways to stay healthy and feel your best.
At 46, and I’m more confident in a bikini today than I ever have been! I have made a few pivotal changes to my life over the past few years to stay fit, lose weight and look and feel more confident than ever before. I’m excited to share some easy ways you can get healthier this year.
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You don’t have to go to the gym – but incorporate some kind of movement into your day. Here is the secret to doing that consistently……find something that you love to do that is active! If it’s a burden, or too hard, or too expensive or you hate it….guess what? YOU WONT DO IT CONSISTENTLY. You have to do it consistently to see results and for them to last.
I love weight training and riding my Peloton bike. I crave the endorphin rush and how good I feel afterwards! My trainer pushes me hard y’all. I am often sore the next day – and I’m addicted to that feeling. I love the high of the sweat session and the burn. I look forward to my workouts – that is the key!

So here’s my advice….find something you love that gets your heart rate up and do it everyday. Even if it’s just 20 minutes. Even if you are tired…then do it tired. 20 minutes a day adds up to 1000 minutes you dedicated to yourself and your health!
If you want some great at home workouts, follow me on Instagram @donnatryba. I have saved some simple workout routines you can do at home on my highlights under workouts. I’m linking some items below that are great for at home workouts.

I can’t stress enough how important sleep is to a healthier you! I suggest investing in a high-quality mattress if you don’t have one already. I sleep on a tempurpedic mattress and absolutely love it because it supports my back and spine. I always notice when I stay in a hotel or AirB&B and the mattress is poor quality I struggle to sleep and feel crabby the next day.
I also always travel with a contoured sleep mask and sleep on a special pillow every night. I swear by my “save your face” pillow. I put this on top of a flat pillow. It suspends your head above the pillow, keeping your face from being smushed into the fabric and keeping the wrinkles away!
I also believe it is important to create a set bedtime. Having a nightly routine helps me sleep so much better. I aim to fall asleep around 10:30 each week night. Andy and I put the girls to bed at 8:30 and spend the next two hours hanging out, catching up, reading, watching a show.
This schedule allows me to get a solid 8 hours of sleep before I have to be up in the morning at 6:30. Of course, I scroll in bed too much and sometimes stay up too late, but most of the time this schedule keeps me on track!
I also set my workout clothes out the night before so I am reminded of the commitment I make to myself each day to get my body moving! Or you could do what a friend of mine does…she sleeps in her workout clothes! Ok, have not done that but I love her dedication. If this trick helps her it could help you too!

When I say “diet” I mean it as a noun, not a verb. I am never on a “diet,” I eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This lifestyle isn’t perfect either! I do tend to eat healthy because it’s what my body craves.
I have created habits for myself that now keep me on track. I don’t buy unhealthy foods and keep them in my cabinets. (Ask my kids, they can tell you!)
If you are not used to eating healthy this can be a hard habit to break. Once I started incorporating more fresh foods and lean proteins into my diet, my body started craving them!
What I eat in a day: For breakfast- a low carb version of oatmeal or organic greek yogurt with some almond butter and berries on top. Then for lunch a protein smoothie or a grilled chicken salad for lunch with primal kitchen dressing – made with avocado oil. I usually have a small snack around 4 pm, like apples and almond butter. Dinner is usually a lean protein with grilled veggies.
Staying hydrated is key! We often confuse thirst with hunger. I carry a swell water bottle around with me all day and refill it often!
Intermittent fasting. I started intermittent fasting three years ago and decided that it just really fits my lifestyle. I find it’s much easier to control when I eat rather than exactly what I eat. Just remember…..it is not a diet, it is a timed approach to eating. No fussy menus to follow or complicated shopping lists. I have done all that in the past but I can’t stick to it, including versions of Paleo and Keto. I’m a decent cook and I can follow a recipe pretty well, but all that meal planning and advanced food prep was exhausting!

I follow an 8/16 intermittent fasting plan, which is eating during an 8-hour window and fasting for the other 16. Fasting made me eat fewer meals, which is an easy way to cut calories. I tend to snack a lot so when I am only eating during an 8-hour window, it really did reduce my calories fast!
Here is the schedule I follow: breakfast at 10 am, lunch at 1 pm, a very small snack sometimes at 4 pm, and dinner at 6 pm. Some people choose to skip breakfast and fast from noon to 8 p.m., while others avoid eating late and stick to a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule.
My goal was to lose about 12 pounds which intermittent fasting helped me achieve. I took my time and didn’t rush the process because I knew that I was developing a new lifestyle. I eased into fasting and worked my way up to a 5-6 day weekly fasting schedule. Now I do intermittent fasting about 3 times a week to maintain my weight.

Taking on too many habit changes can be overwhelming and cause you to give up altogether. I suggest adding 1-2 of these tips into your lifestyle and see if they work for you. Then, after a few months if those habits stick – try incorporating a few more.
Consistency is key! Little changes add up to big results over time. Wanting more fitness inspiration? Check out my article on this easy at home workout.
I hope my experiences inspire you to be the healthiest version of yourself. If you want more simple tips on getting healthy, check out this article.
Thanks for reading friends and for your support! Do you know someone that could benefit from these tips? Please send this article along to them! And be sure to check me out on Instagram @donnatryba for more healthy tips!
Sending good vibes from downtown Austin, TX. xo, dt.
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