Thank you Mel Robbins for teaching me this years ago. It’s a scientific fact that your brain is hardwired to protect you from harm, even if you are not truly in danger. Your instinct is to avoid fear, uncertainty and discomfort.
Once I realized this…I gave myself grace. Self awareness is a big deal y’all. I am not lazy…. I am just built to resist hard things.
I do not expect to be motivated everyday so I developed a few simple habits that helped me lose 12 pounds and keep them off while overcoming anxiety and postpartum depression.
Through daily intentional practice, these habits have become automatic. For example, exercise is now like brushing my teeth. It’s not if….it’s when.
I am so excited to share my 8 daily habits to help you lose weight now. It really is about the little things…they add up to big things along the way. 20 minutes a day for 52 days is almost 1000 hours you have spent on your health in one year.
Eating protein keeps my metabolism high, refuels my body and rebuilds muscle. It keeps my stomach fuller longer so I’m satisfied and not starving all day long.
I eat a lot of yogurt and oatmeal for breakfast. I add almond butter for protein and fat. If I eat eggs at breakfast, I throw in some spinach top and top it with cheese.
I also love a smoothie. One of my favs is one I call “peanut butter and jelly.” Ingredients: chocolate protein powder, unsweet almond milk, frozen blueberries and 1/3 of a frozen banana for creaminess. I throw it in my vitamix and drink it often after a workout or as a meal replacement.
Ok about this blender….I can’t even tell you what a game changer it is! I can manually control blending speeds and mix just about anything: cold cocktails, chip dips, cake batter and soups. The texture is amazing and it’s worth every single darn penny.
For lunch, I love a quick salad. I buy a rotisserie chicken and use it all week long for salads with chickpeas, edamame, tomatoes, and cucumbers. I also use the chicken to make a quick tacos with a low carb tortillas, some cheese and salsa.
I am not good at this y’all. Juggling all the things: two girls, running my business, taking care of a cat and a now a puppy. Sometimes I am just grabbing the quickest thing to eat at my computer while I’m working.

This often leads to over eating or making poor choices. According to Harvard Medical School, digestion involves hormonal signals between the gut and the nervous system, and it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to register satiety (fullness).
I am learning to slow down. Take my time. Enjoy my food at each and every meal and be a more mindful eater! One resource I’m loving is this article from Harvard Medical School – check it out for more tips, they have really helped me!

This one has come easy for me. I absolutely love working out with my trainer! I love the burn and the sweat and look forward to the challenge. I often take out my anxiety in the gym. Building physical strength has helped me build mental strength.
It’s expensive and I budget for it. I understand that its not always an option. The good news now is there are so many resources out there!
I love Jillian Michaels workout app…. she is such a freaking inspiration and her workouts are flexible and appropriate for all fitness levels. Youtube has some great workout videos. My favorite ones are from PopSugar.
You don’t have lift heavy weights. Just be consistent and learn how to use good form with small hand weights. I have some simple beginner bodyweight routines saved on my Instagram highlights @donnatryba that are easy to do at home. Check them out!
I aim for a minimum of 7 hours every night….8 on a good day! On days I don’t sleep well, I’m starving and crabby all day long. I overeat and have trouble focusing.
I developed a nightly routine to keep me on track: put my girls to bed around 8:30, wash my face, put on jammies and crawl into bed with Andy. We hang out, watch a show or read until around 10:30 and then it’s lights out.
It’s so tempting to keep scrolling y’all I know! I PUT MY PHONE ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER AT 9PM and I don’t touch it again until the morning. It’s the only way I can control the urge – ha!
Date nights with my hubby are one of my biggest indulgences. He and I love to experience new and exciting restaurants in Austin because we are I both foodies at heart
Restricting foods from my diet has never worked for me. I end up binge eating! There is nothing better to me than a great meal, an amazing bottle of wine, chocolate cake for dessert and my cute hubby there to enjoy it with. A restrictive diet isn’t sustainable long term.

My girl tribe keeps me in line! We often work out together which has been so important for accountability. There are days when I absolutely do NOT want to get out of bed, but knowing that I committed to a workout class with a friend gets my butt up and out the door.

I follow an 8/16 intermittent fasting plan, which is eating during an 8-hour window and fasting for the other 16. Fasting has made me eat fewer meals, which is an easy way to cut calories. I tend to snack a lot so when I am only eating during an 8-hour window, it really did reduce my calories fast! I know it is not for everyone but it is an amazing solution if you are looking to cut your calorie intake and lose weight quickly.
Here is the schedule I follow: breakfast at 10 am, lunch at 1 pm, a very small snack sometimes at 4 pm, and dinner at 6 pm. Some people choose to skip breakfast and fast from noon to 8 p.m., while others avoid eating late and stick to a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule.
Thank you all so much for reading! I hope this gives you some practical ways to lose weight and get healthier. If you try any of these tips and find them helpful please share them on Instagram and tag me @donnatryba.
Want more fitness inspiration? Check out this blog post on how I lost the guilt and lost the weight!
Sending good vibes from downtown Austin, TX!
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