Feeling sluggish this new year and want to start exercising? Looking to get healthier but not sure where to start?
I felt that same way 6 years ago: I had 12 pounds of baby weight left and I just hit 40. I had struggled through post pardum depression and needed to change my lifestyle.
I hired a personal trainer and started lifting weights – the best decision I ever made! Getting started is the hard part….so here my tips on how to start an exercise routine and stick to it.
Do Something Fun
Find an activity you love – it will never be a chore. It doesn’t have to be in a gym…..walk your dog. Meet a friend and walk your neighborhood. Just do it consistently, for at least 15-20 minutes and get your heart rate up!
Embrace the Suck
Hate to exercise? I did too. Ugh, the sweaty, smelly process and the pain! It used to be a chore.
But guess what? We do a lot of things we don’t like to do every single day! If you truly hate it, put it on that list of things that you have to do and hate but do anyway. Because it’s good for you!
Start Small
15 minutes everyday is almost 250 hours you spent on your health….small changes add up to big results over time!

I started weight lifting by picking up 2lbs and working my way up. These Bala Bangels are perfect for beginners….wearable comfortable weights you strap on your arms or legs.
Stylish and form fitting, like a trendy bracelet with velcro to easily remove and adjust. They come in 1/2, 1 and 2lb weights.
Get Great Gear
Having workout equipment at home makes it easy to exercise anytime! Here are some of my favorite things to get a great workout at home.

Make it a Habit
Motivation is complete bullish!t. Schedule an activity into your daily routine and do it consistently until it becomes a habit.
It’s not if, it’s when. You won’t have time….you make time. “Your workouts are important meetings you schedule with yourself. Bosses don’t cancel.”
Hold Yourself Accountable
Working out with my friends always gives me the motivation to get moving. We schedule classes together or just set times to meet up and walk the lake or the neighborhood – it’s social and fitness all in one!
Start Now
Don’t wait until Monday. Someday is today! You don’t have to be extreme just consistent!!! Make a commitment and stick to it.
Fit is not a destination y’all, it’s a journey. Thanks for being on mine with me!
Hope you enjoyed this blog post on how to start an exercise routine and stick to it.
Want more fitness and fashion inspo? Be sure to follow me on Instagram @donnatryba. Have a great day friend. If you enjoyed this post, please spread the love and share with a friend!
Want more fitness Inso? Check out this blog post on ways to be healthier this year.
Sending good vibes from downtown Austin, Texas.

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